Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm BACK!!!

After a long hiatus, I am attempting to come back to blogging.  I tried at the beginning of the year but things just got really crazy.  I am going to try again.  This time I am excited because this next school year we are supposed to be doing the Daily 5 and my principal gave us a book to read over the summer about it.  Imagine my excitement when I found a group of bloggers who are going to do a book study on the Daily 5!! I am so glad to be able to read this and have the input of so many other teachers.  I'll be following new blogs and hopefully will have stuff to share!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

and the purging has begun...

So, today was the first day of "purging" the clutter from my classroom. I only did one very small area today (an old overhead cart) and completely emptied it off and sorted through the things with trash, keep, and a give away bin and then I realized that I need another bin and that bin is a "shred" bin.  This is going to take WAY longer than I thought and on top of that, my PDAS is supposed to be this week or next! (What great timing.)  I can't even imagine what my principal will think when she walks in an sees huge bins with "stuff" in them. Oh well. At least it shows that I am finally taking charge on becoming more organized which is something that I say I want to do every year but never actually do. I didn't make the apron I wanted to make...but it's on my list because today I realized how helpful it will be not only in this purging process, but I can keep my stickers, a pen, notepad, flashcards, and my phone in it and have them everywhere I go. I really am excited about this but at the same time, I am dreading it.  I sure hope the less cluttered and more organized space will start to take shape soon! Later!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3!

Ha Ha so I know that  I said I wasn't going to probably be able to post more than once a week and here I am posting more than one in a day but it's because I'm excited to say that I've found out a way to link documents! (I am new to blogging so I am just barely figuring this out.) Here is reading review that I made for my class during center time.  I just wanted to test out the link to see if it really works!  Let me know what you think. :)

Making the Rules

Ok, so it looks as if I'll only have time to blog once a week.  But hey, I'm a single mom AND a teacher...I should have all the time in the world right? HA!!As you know, I'm trying to declutter my classroom and home and luckily I found a blog to help me on the classroom end. This weeks assignment over at
Clutter-Free Classroom
we are supposed to make a plan for decluttering and purging the stuff we don't need in our classroom.  I didn't think very long and hard about this but I did create this list as I was looking around my classroom and here is what I came up with: 

I decided to make it cutesy. :)

As I look at the list now, I think to myself "DUH! (insert face palm) Why haven't I done this myself a LONG time ago?"  Now all I need to do is make my apron and gather a few boxes (because I don't have any plastic tubs (I'm soooooo broke until payday) and I'll be on my way to begin my purging next week!! I can't wait....err...uh...yeah I can.  This. is. going. to. be. tough. if I don't spend enough time already up at my school.  This could add hours!!! :(  I'll be back to show the apron I make (hopefully before the weekend is up).  Have fun!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I survived!!

I managed to get through the first week back.  However, I found it really hard to find time to write in my blog.  I hope that I'll be able to manage and post on a regular basis (at least twice a week) because everyday is just not going to be possible.  So, this week was also my daughter's first time ever at a preschool.  I must say that it makes me smile THIS big to see her interacting with other kids.  She found herself a best friend and...wait for it...a boyfriend!  Her and her little bf were running around and holding hands one morning when I dropped her off.  She looked so happy and confident while they were interacting.  Perhaps I should take notes from my daughter because I don't easily attract friends or boyfriends. LOL! This is one of the reasons I want to get involved in a community group or some other outlet that will allow me to meet people.  I want to get over my social awkwardness.  Any suggestions on what kind of "groups" I could join?  Well, I have a long list of things to do today so I'll be back before the weekend is over and fill you in on any new things. :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to Work and School

Today was my first day back after our Christmas break and it was also my daughters first day of "school".  She has never been in a preschool setting before so I was really nervous but you know what...she did fine!! She walked away from me and into the gym (where they wait in the morning) and didn't even look back. :'( It's so hard to believe that she is 2 years old already.  The time sure has flown by.  Going back to school (work) today wasn't so bad either.  It was a staff day so it was a chance for us to get things ready for the week and discuss a new teacher support model for our special education population.  So far, I have been able to keep up with some of my "to do list" for the year...however, I will be honest and say that I'm failing on the physical activity each day...unless you count walking from one side of the school building to the other side of the school building twice as physical activity. LOL Well, at least it's only January 3rd and I still have the rest of the year to go!  Well, that's it for now.  I hope to get some followers soon.  If you stop by my blog please subscribe. Later! :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Me

Ok, so I made a blog like over two years ago and never really used it but I think I'm really going to try and start using it now. This last year was one of THE most challenging years of my life and as one of my friends put it-"it looks like 2011 made a woman out of you". Well, as tough as it was, I made it and I am sure glad that I was able to learn so much from everything. I have a plan for 2012. It is a new year, a new beginning, and therefore a new me.

This year will also mark my milestone 30th birthday so I am definitely looking forward to making this THE best year of the beginning of the rest of my life. It will mark the beginning of a transformation for me that will encompass, physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional growth and changes. So here I go...these are my New Year's resolutions or as I am going to call them my New Year "to do list".

  • do something nice for a stranger at least once a month
  • go to church every Sunday or at least more than I already do
  • do some sort of physical activity every day
  • aim to talk to one stranger every time that I am out somewhere
  • "declutter" my home and classroom
  • read a book a month
  • make special time for Abigail and I to do things -aside from our everyday stuff
  • join a group in my community
  • call up family members and friends that I don't talk to regularly just to say hello
  • have an attitude of gratitude every day even if it might be a rough day
So that's it. Pretty simple I think...well, maybe not as simple as I'm thinking but I really think it is doable for the most part. I am heading to bed and will be back tomorrow for another post. :)