Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Me

Ok, so I made a blog like over two years ago and never really used it but I think I'm really going to try and start using it now. This last year was one of THE most challenging years of my life and as one of my friends put it-"it looks like 2011 made a woman out of you". Well, as tough as it was, I made it and I am sure glad that I was able to learn so much from everything. I have a plan for 2012. It is a new year, a new beginning, and therefore a new me.

This year will also mark my milestone 30th birthday so I am definitely looking forward to making this THE best year of the beginning of the rest of my life. It will mark the beginning of a transformation for me that will encompass, physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional growth and changes. So here I go...these are my New Year's resolutions or as I am going to call them my New Year "to do list".

  • do something nice for a stranger at least once a month
  • go to church every Sunday or at least more than I already do
  • do some sort of physical activity every day
  • aim to talk to one stranger every time that I am out somewhere
  • "declutter" my home and classroom
  • read a book a month
  • make special time for Abigail and I to do things -aside from our everyday stuff
  • join a group in my community
  • call up family members and friends that I don't talk to regularly just to say hello
  • have an attitude of gratitude every day even if it might be a rough day
So that's it. Pretty simple I think...well, maybe not as simple as I'm thinking but I really think it is doable for the most part. I am heading to bed and will be back tomorrow for another post. :)


  1. So glad to have found you! Just after reading your posts we have some things in common: I just turned 30 :-) and my 14 month old daughter's name is Abigail! Small world. About meeting people, one of your resolutions may help - I met my husband of almost 5 years (together for 9) at church :-)
    Rayos de Kinder

  2. Thanks for following me! That would be great about meeting someone at church! Fingers crossed. :) It's cool that you teach in a dual language program. I have recently been considering getting my bilingual certification.
